Biarritz Sauvetage Côtier
At Biarritz Surf Life Saving, you have the privilege to hang out with old champions from the sport that love to share their skills with the youngest athletes.
Ocean Paddle racing, what does that mean ?
Discipline of the French Federation of Canoë Kayak, the ocean racing is a race in the open water. It can be practiced by different surf crafts (surfski, pirogue). It is necessary to achieve an ocean course off the coast in a minimum of time.
To do so, you need to know how to get benefit from the surf, meaning the waves, the runners, the swell, the wind, and the rips. With some technique, the speed can go up to 20kph and procure a very sensational glide in the water.
The Ocean racing is also a long endurance race. The races can last up to 4 hours, for an average distance of 15 to 25km. But some can exceed 40km long.

The Surf craft used
To practice Ocean Racing, it is possible to use a surf ski 1 or 2-seater (mono or bi seater). It is originally from Australia and from South Africa were this type of surfcraft was destinated to surf rescue. Currently, 40 countries practice this discipline. The surf ski is designed with a round shell, it is less resistant to water and offers more glide to the athlete. The direction of the surf ski is managed via a rudder and a pedal that serve as a guide.
The Canoe of 6 (V6), we have the FAORO who provides the rhythm (4th to 5th position) and the PEPERU at the back to guide the canoe.
The canoe out-riggers are the last type of Surf crafts from the ocean racing. Those are the Hawaiian canoes that are barely used here. They have a more rounded hull, a larger volume and a ruder operated as in surf ski, guided by the feet. Unlike the other 2, the paddler sits on the hull (not inside) and can have a foot strap.
The surf skis and other surf boats are not suitable for sea trips. They are unmanageable and unstable; they are oriented towards glide and speed. There surf crafts are designed to go straight and fast, not to stroll.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact Patricia at, or by email at oceanracing@biarritzsauvetagecotier.com
The training schedule is not established in advance. The bodysurf sessions are organized internally, depending on the availability of supervisors, and ocean conditions.
For further information, do not hesitate to contact Fabien Brillant at or by email at oceanracing@biarritzsauvetagecotier.com
The French Federation of Canoë Kayak hasn’t communicated yet the events calendar for the next season.

ENROLL to the OCEAN RACING section

If you wish to enroll to the ocean racing section, Patricia is available at patricia.vavasseur@biarritzsauvetagecotier.com.